Top   Types   Functions   Classes   Options   Index   Sources 



Global_ERWIN_BOOL_Simple Alias for Global_bool_t
Global_erwin_bool_tComplex Alias
Global_erwin_comparison_tFunction Alias
Global_erwin_hash_state_tComplex Alias
Global_initializer_tFunction Alias
Global_list_key_tComplex Alias
List_classSimple Alias for List_t
List_cmp_tFunction Alias
List_combine_tFunction Alias
List_cpp_feature_tFunction Alias
List_element_ptr_tComplex Alias
List_element_ref_tComplex Alias
List_feature_tFunction Alias
List_index_tSimple Alias for int
List_map_tFunction Alias
List_tComplex Alias
List_t_const_pComplex Alias
List_t_pComplex Alias
List_value_tSimple Alias for oType
Map_classComplex Alias
Map_element_ptr_tComplex Alias
Map_feature_tFunction Alias
Map_index_tSimple Alias for iType
Map_key_result_tComplex Alias
Map_pair_cmp_tFunction Alias
Map_pair_dynarraySimple Alias for Map_pair_t
Map_pair_ptr_cmp_tFunction Alias
Map_pair_ptr_dynarraySimple Alias for Map_pair_ptr_t
Map_tComplex Alias
Map_t_const_pComplex Alias
Map_t_pComplex Alias
Map_value_tSimple Alias for oType
Map_void_pair_cmp_tFunction Alias
Vector_classSimple Alias for Vector_t
Vector_cmp_tFunction Alias
Vector_cnt_tSimple Alias for int
Vector_combine_tFunction Alias
Vector_cpp_feature_tFunction Alias
Vector_element_ptr_tComplex Alias
Vector_element_ref_tComplex Alias
Vector_feature_tFunction Alias
Vector_index_tSimple Alias for int
Vector_map_tFunction Alias
Vector_size_tComplex Alias
Vector_tComplex Alias
Vector_t_const_pComplex Alias
Vector_t_pComplex Alias
Vector_value_tSimple Alias for oType
_Global_map_iterator_callback_tFunction Alias
_Global_map_iterator_cmp_callback_tFunction Alias
_Global_map_iterator_sorted_callback_tFunction Alias
_Global_map_iterator_sorted_init_callback_tFunction Alias



typedef signed char ERWIN_SIGNED_CHAR

#if !defined(Global_ERWIN_ADAM_NAME) && !defined(ERWIN_S32)

Declaration  ]


typedef unsigned char ERWIN_UNSIGNED_CHAR

#if !defined(Global_ERWIN_ADAM_NAME) && !defined(ERWIN_S32)

Ensure that the ERWIN_[SU]... macros can be used in C++ style casts and still be shown in compiler messages as the underlying type they really are.

Declaration  ]


typedef unsigned long int ERWIN_UNSIGNED_LONG

#if !defined(Global_ERWIN_ADAM_NAME) && !defined(ERWIN_S32)

Declaration  ]


typedef unsigned short int ERWIN_UNSIGNED_SHORT

#if !defined(Global_ERWIN_ADAM_NAME) && !defined(ERWIN_S32)

Declaration  ]


typedef Global_bool_t Global_ERWIN_BOOL_

#if !defined(Global_ERWIN_ADAM_NAME) && !defined(Global_ERWIN_BOOL) && Global_ERWIN_CPP_ONLY

This helps the compiler generate better code.

Declaration  ]


typedef unsigned char Global_erwin_bool_t

#if !(!defined(Global_ERWIN_ADAM_NAME) && Global_ERWIN_CPP_ONLY)

One possibility would be to use (unsigned) int. We use unsigned char.

Declaration  ]


typedef int (* Global_erwin_comparison_t) (void const *, void const *)

#if !defined(Global_ERWIN_ADAM_NAME)


voidGlobal_erwin_merge_sort(void * abase, size_t anmemb, size_t asize, Global_erwin_comparison_t acompar)
Declaration  ]


typedef struct Global_erwin_hash_state_t Global_erwin_hash_state_t

#if !defined(Global_ERWIN_ADAM_NAME)

Declaration  ]


typedef void (* Global_initializer_t) (int *, char ** *)

#if !defined(Global_ERWIN_ADAM_NAME)

An initialisation function


Declaration  ]


typedef void * Global_list_key_t

#if !defined(Global_list_key_t)


Global_list_key_tList_append(List_t * self, oTypeTouched value)
Global_list_key_tList_back(List_t const * self)
voidList_erase(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t key)
voidList_erase_in_loop(Global_list_key_t * iterator, List_t * self, Global_list_key_t key, Global_ERWIN_BOOL reverse)
Global_list_key_tList_front(List_t const * self)
Global_list_key_tList_insert(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, oTypeTouched value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL backward)
Global_list_key_tList_insert_after(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, oTypeTouched value)
Global_list_key_tList_insert_before(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, oTypeTouched value)
voidList_insert_list(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, List_t const * values, Global_ERWIN_BOOL backward)
voidList_insert_list_after(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, List_t const * values)
voidList_insert_list_before(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, List_t const * values)
Global_list_key_tList_next(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t key)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oType * valuep)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration_ptr(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oTypeVar * * valuepp)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration_ptr_reverse(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oTypeVar * * valuepp)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration_reverse(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oType * valuep)
Global_list_key_tList_next_raw(Global_list_key_t key)
Global_list_key_tList_nth_key(List_t const * self, int index)
voidList_overwrite(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t key, oTypeTouched value)
Global_list_key_tList_prepend(List_t * self, oTypeTouched value)
Global_list_key_tList_previous(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t key)
Global_list_key_tList_previous_raw(Global_list_key_t key)
oTypeResultList_value(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t key)
List_element_ptr_tList_value_ptr(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t key)
oTypeResultList_value_raw(Global_list_key_t key)
Global_list_key_tList_t::append(oTypeTouched o)
Global_list_key_tList_t::back() const
voidList_t::erase(Global_list_key_t k)
voidList_t::erase(Global_list_key_t & iter, Global_list_key_t k, bool reverse = false)
voidList_t::erase_in_loop(Global_list_key_t & iter, Global_list_key_t k, bool reverse = false)
Global_list_key_tList_t::front() const
Global_list_key_tList_t::init_iterator() const
Global_list_key_tList_t::init_iterator_reverse() const
Global_list_key_tList_t::insert(Global_list_key_t k, oTypeTouched o, bool backwards)
List_t &List_t::insert(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x, bool backwards)
List_t &List_t::insert(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x, bool backwards)
Global_list_key_tList_t::insert_after(Global_list_key_t k, oTypeTouched o)
List_t &List_t::insert_after(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::insert_after(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x)
Global_list_key_tList_t::insert_before(Global_list_key_t k, oTypeTouched o)
List_t &List_t::insert_before(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::insert_before(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x)
List_t &List_t::insert_list(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x, bool backwards)
List_t &List_t::insert_list(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x, bool backwards)
List_t &List_t::insert_list_after(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::insert_list_after(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x)
List_t &List_t::insert_list_before(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::insert_list_before(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x)
Global_list_key_tList_t::next(Global_list_key_t k) const
boolList_t::next_iteration(Global_list_key_t * a, oType * b) const
boolList_t::next_iteration_ptr(Global_list_key_t * a, oTypeVar * * b)
boolList_t::next_iteration_ptr_reverse(Global_list_key_t * a, oTypeVar * * b)
boolList_t::next_iteration_reverse(Global_list_key_t * a, oType * b) const
Global_list_key_tList_t::nth_key(int k) const
voidList_t::overwrite(Global_list_key_t k, oTypeTouched o)
Global_list_key_tList_t::prepend(oTypeTouched o)
Global_list_key_tList_t::prev(Global_list_key_t k) const
Global_list_key_tList_t::previous(Global_list_key_t k) const
oTypeResultList_t::value(Global_list_key_t k) const
List_element_ptr_tList_t::value_ptr(Global_list_key_t k)
List_element_ref_tList_t::value_ref(Global_list_key_t k)
Declaration  ]


typedef List_t List_class

Declaration  ]


typedef int (* List_cmp_t) (oType const *, oType const *)


intList_cmp(List_t const *, List_t const *, List_cmp_t cmp)
intList_t::cmp(List_t const * other, List_cmp_t cmp = List_CMP_T_NULL) const
intList_t::cmp(List_t const & other, List_cmp_t cmp_func = List_CMP_T_NULL) const
Declaration  ]


typedef int (* List_combine_t) (List_element_ptr_t, oType const *)

Declaration  ]


typedef Global_bool_t (* List_cpp_feature_t) (oTypeParam)

Declaration  ]


typedef oType const * List_element_ptr_t


List_element_ptr_tList_value_ptr(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t key)
List_element_ptr_tList_t::value_ptr(Global_list_key_t k)
Declaration  ]


typedef oType const & List_element_ref_t


List_element_ref_tList_t::value_ref(Global_list_key_t k)
Declaration  ]


typedef Global_ERWIN_BOOL (* List_feature_t) (oTypeParam)

Declaration  ]


typedef int List_index_t

Some types

Declaration  ]


typedef oType (* List_map_t) (oTypeParam)

In order to have oTypeResult as a result type for List_map_t, declare that function yourself and define List_MAP_T_DEFINED.


voidList_map(List_t * self, List_map_t map)
Declaration  ]


typedef struct List_t List_t

This #ifndef is a VC++ hack. That compiler is too braindead to (de-)mangle the function names correctly with the following typedef.


List_t const *Global_erwin_ptr_const_of(List_t const * x)
List_t const *Global_erwin_ptr_const_of(List_t const & x)
List_t *Global_erwin_ptr_of(List_t * x)
List_t *Global_erwin_ptr_of(List_t & x)
Global_list_key_tList_append(List_t * self, oTypeTouched value)
voidList_append_list(List_t * self, List_t const * values)
Global_list_key_tList_back(List_t const * self)
voidList_clear(List_t * self)
voidList_clear_errno(List_t const * self)
intList_cmp(List_t const *, List_t const *, List_cmp_t cmp)
List_t *List_copy(List_t const * self)
List_t *List_copy_err(List_t const * self, int * err)
voidList_delete(List_t * self)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_empty(List_t const * self)
voidList_erase(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t key)
voidList_erase_in_loop(Global_list_key_t * iterator, List_t * self, Global_list_key_t key, Global_ERWIN_BOOL reverse)
intList_errno(List_t const *)
oTypeResultList_first(List_t const * self)
Global_list_key_tList_front(List_t const * self)
Global_hashval_tList_hash(List_t const *)
Global_hashval_tList_hash(List_t const * x)
Global_hashval_tList_hash_raw(List_t const *)
Global_list_key_tList_insert(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, oTypeTouched value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL backward)
Global_list_key_tList_insert_after(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, oTypeTouched value)
Global_list_key_tList_insert_before(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, oTypeTouched value)
voidList_insert_list(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, List_t const * values, Global_ERWIN_BOOL backward)
voidList_insert_list_after(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, List_t const * values)
voidList_insert_list_before(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, List_t const * values)
oTypeResultList_last(List_t const * self)
voidList_map(List_t * self, List_map_t map)
intList_nentries(List_t const * self)
List_t *List_new()
List_t *List_new_with_zero(oTypeTouched zero)
Global_list_key_tList_next(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t key)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oType * valuep)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration_ptr(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oTypeVar * * valuepp)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration_ptr_reverse(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oTypeVar * * valuepp)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration_reverse(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oType * valuep)
oTypeResultList_nth(List_t const * self, int index)
Global_list_key_tList_nth_key(List_t const * self, int index)
voidList_overwrite(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t key, oTypeTouched value)
Global_list_key_tList_prepend(List_t * self, oTypeTouched value)
voidList_prepend_list(List_t * self, List_t const * values)
Global_list_key_tList_previous(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t key)
oTypeResultList_value(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t key)
List_element_ptr_tList_value_ptr(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t key)
oTypeResultList_zero(List_t const * self)
List_t const &List_t::static_zero()
List_t::operator List_t *()
List_t::operator List_t const *() const
boolList_t::operator!=(List_t const & b) const
boolList_t::operator!=(List_t const * b) const
boolList_t::operator<(List_t const & b) const
boolList_t::operator<(List_t const * b) const
List_t &List_t::operator<<(oTypeTouched o)
boolList_t::operator<=(List_t const & b) const
boolList_t::operator<=(List_t const * b) const
List_t &List_t::operator=(List_t const &)
List_t &List_t::operator=(List_t const *)
boolList_t::operator==(List_t const & b) const
boolList_t::operator==(List_t const * b) const
boolList_t::operator>(List_t const & b) const
boolList_t::operator>(List_t const * b) const
boolList_t::operator>=(List_t const & b) const
boolList_t::operator>=(List_t const * b) const
List_t &List_t::append(List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::append(List_t const & x)
List_t &List_t::append_list(List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::append_list(List_t const & x)
List_t &List_t::clear()
intList_t::cmp(List_t const * other, List_cmp_t cmp = List_CMP_T_NULL) const
intList_t::cmp(List_t const & other, List_cmp_t cmp_func = List_CMP_T_NULL) const
List_t &List_t::insert(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x, bool backwards)
List_t &List_t::insert(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x, bool backwards)
List_t &List_t::insert_after(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::insert_after(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x)
List_t &List_t::insert_before(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::insert_before(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x)
List_t &List_t::insert_list(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x, bool backwards)
List_t &List_t::insert_list(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x, bool backwards)
List_t &List_t::insert_list_after(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::insert_list_after(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x)
List_t &List_t::insert_list_before(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::insert_list_before(Global_list_key_t k, List_t const & x)
List_t &List_t::prepend(List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::prepend(List_t const & x)
List_t &List_t::prepend_list(List_t const * x)
List_t &List_t::prepend_list(List_t const & x)
Declaration  ]


typedef List_t const * List_t_const_p

Declaration  ]


typedef List_t * List_t_p

Declaration  ]


typedef oType List_value_t

Declaration  ]


typedef struct Map_t Map_class

Declaration  ]


typedef oType const * Map_element_ptr_t


intMap_find_any_pair(Map_key_result_t *, Map_element_ptr_t *, Map_t const * self)
Map_element_ptr_tMap_find_any_ptr(Map_t const * self)
Map_element_ptr_tMap_find_ptr(Map_t const * self, iTypeParam index)
Map_element_ptr_tMap_find_ptr_ensure(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
intMap_t::find_any_pair(Map_key_result_t & kp, Map_element_ptr_t & vp) const
Map_element_ptr_tMap_t::find_any_ptr() const
Declaration  ]


typedef Global_ERWIN_BOOL (* Map_feature_t) (iTypeParam, oTypeParam)


intMap_erase_if(Map_t * self, Map_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
intMap_remove_if(Map_t * self, Map_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
intMap_t::erase_if(Map_feature_t f, bool value = true)
intMap_t::remove_if(Map_feature_t f, bool value = true)
Declaration  ]


typedef iType Map_index_t

Declaration  ]


typedef iTypeVar const * Map_key_result_t

Declaration  ]


typedef int (* Map_pair_cmp_t) (Map_pair_t const *, Map_pair_t const *)


Declaration  ]


typedef Map_pair_t Map_pair_dynarray

Declaration  ]


typedef int (* Map_pair_ptr_cmp_t) (Map_pair_ptr_t const *, Map_pair_ptr_t const *)


Declaration  ]


typedef Map_pair_ptr_t Map_pair_ptr_dynarray

Declaration  ]


typedef struct Map_t Map_t


Map_t const *Global_erwin_ptr_const_of(Map_t const * x)
Map_t const *Global_erwin_ptr_const_of(Map_t const & x)
Map_t *Global_erwin_ptr_of(Map_t * x)
Map_t *Global_erwin_ptr_of(Map_t & x)
doubleMap_average_line_length(Map_t const * self)
voidMap_clear(Map_t * self)
voidMap_clear_errno(Map_t const *)
voidMap_clear_flags(Map_t * self, Global_ERWIN_BOOL destroy_keys, Global_ERWIN_BOOL destroy_values)
voidMap_clear_flags_no_resize(Map_t * self, Global_ERWIN_BOOL destroy_keys, Global_ERWIN_BOOL destroy_values)
voidMap_clear_no_resize(Map_t * self)
intMap_cmp(Map_t const * self, Map_t const * other)
intMap_cmp_keys(Map_t const * self, Map_t const * other)
Map_t *Map_copy(Map_t const * self)
Map_t *Map_copy_err(Map_t const * self, int * err)
voidMap_delete(Map_t * self)
voidMap_delete_flags(Map_t * self, Global_ERWIN_BOOL destroy_keys, Global_ERWIN_BOOL destroy_values)
voidMap_destroy(Map_t * self)
voidMap_destroy_flags(Map_t * self, Global_ERWIN_BOOL destroy_keys, Global_ERWIN_BOOL destroy_values)
doubleMap_deviation_line_length(Map_t const * self)
voidMap_dump(FILE *, Map_t const * self)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLMap_empty(Map_t const * self)
iTypeResultMap_ensure(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key)
iTypeResultMap_ensure_no_icopy(Map_t * self, iTypeVarParam key)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLMap_equal(Map_t const * self, Map_t const * other)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLMap_equal_keys(Map_t const * self, Map_t const * other)
intMap_erase(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
intMap_erase_if(Map_t * self, Map_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
intMap_erase_map(Map_t * self, Map_t const * other)
intMap_erase_map_no_resize(Map_t * self, Map_t const * other)
intMap_erase_no_resize(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
intMap_errno(Map_t const *)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLMap_expect_size(Map_t * self, int newsize)
oTypeResultMap_find(Map_t const * self, iTypeParam index)
oTypeResultMap_find_any(Map_t const * self)
iTypeResultMap_find_any_key(Map_t const * self)
intMap_find_any_pair(Map_key_result_t *, Map_t const * self)
intMap_find_any_pair(Map_key_result_t *, Map_element_ptr_t *, Map_t const * self)
Map_element_ptr_tMap_find_any_ptr(Map_t const * self)
oTypeResultMap_find_ensure(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
iTypeResultMap_find_key(Map_t const * self, iTypeParam index)
Map_element_ptr_tMap_find_ptr(Map_t const * self, iTypeParam index)
Map_element_ptr_tMap_find_ptr_ensure(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
Map_pair_t *Map_get_entries(Map_t const * self)
Map_pair_ptr_t *Map_get_entries_ptr(Map_t const * self)
iType *Map_get_keys(Map_t const * self)
oType *Map_get_values(Map_t const * self)
Global_hashval_tMap_hash(Map_t const *)
Global_hashval_tMap_hash(Map_t const * x)
Global_hashval_tMap_hash_raw(Map_t const * self)
intMap_hash_size(Map_t const * self)
intMap_init(Map_t * self)
intMap_init_with_initial_size(Map_t * self, int initial_size)
intMap_init_with_zero_and_initial_size(Map_t * self, oTypeTouched zero, int initial_size)
intMap_insert(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key)
intMap_insert(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeTouched value)
intMap_insert_map(Map_t * self, Map_t const * other)
intMap_intersect(Map_t * self, Map_t const * other)
intMap_intersect_no_resize(Map_t * self, Map_t const * other)
intMap_max_line_length(Map_t const * self)
intMap_min_line_length(Map_t const * self)
oTypeVarMap_modify(Map_t * self, iTypeParam index, oTypeTouched value)
intMap_modify_map(Map_t * self, Map_t const * other)
intMap_nentries(Map_t const * self)
Map_t *Map_new()
Map_t *Map_new_with_initial_size(int initial_size)
Map_t *Map_new_with_zero(oTypeTouched zero)
Map_t *Map_new_with_zero_and_initial_size(oTypeTouched zero, int initial_size)
intMap_nfind(Map_t const * self)
intMap_ninsert(Map_t const * self)
intMap_nops(Map_t const * self)
intMap_nrehash(Map_t const * self)
intMap_nrehash_ops(Map_t const * self)
intMap_nremove(Map_t const * self)
intMap_poke(iType * key_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce)
intMap_poke(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeTouched value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
intMap_poke_no_icopy(iType * key_out, Map_t * self, iTypeVarParam key, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce)
intMap_poke_no_icopy(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeVarParam key, oTypeParam value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
intMap_poke_no_icopy_no_ocopy(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeVarParam key, oTypeVarParam value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
intMap_poke_no_ocopy(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeVarParam value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
voidMap_rehash(Map_t * self, int newsize)
oTypeVarMap_remove(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
intMap_remove_if(Map_t * self, Map_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
intMap_remove_map(Map_t * self, Map_t const * other)
oTypeVarMap_remove_no_resize(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
intMap_set(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index, oTypeTouched value)
intMap_set_map(Map_t * self, Map_t const * other)
doubleMap_variance_line_length(Map_t const * self)
voidMap_xchg(Map_t * self, Map_t * other)
oTypeResultMap_zero(Map_t const * self)
Map_t const &Map_t::static_zero()
Map_t::Map(int initial_size)
Map_t::Map(oTypeTouched zero_element)
Map_t::Map(oTypeTouched zero_element, int initial_size)
Map_t::Map(Map_t const * a)
Map_t::Map(Map_t const & a)
Map_t::operator Map_t *()
Map_t::operator Map_t const *() const
boolMap_t::operator!=(Map_t const & b) const
boolMap_t::operator!=(Map_t const * b) const
boolMap_t::operator<(Map_t const & b) const
boolMap_t::operator<(Map_t const * b) const
boolMap_t::operator<=(Map_t const & b) const
boolMap_t::operator<=(Map_t const * b) const
Map_t &Map_t::operator=(Map_t const &)
Map_t &Map_t::operator=(Map_t const *)
boolMap_t::operator==(Map_t const & b) const
boolMap_t::operator==(Map_t const * b) const
boolMap_t::operator>(Map_t const & b) const
boolMap_t::operator>(Map_t const * b) const
boolMap_t::operator>=(Map_t const & b) const
boolMap_t::operator>=(Map_t const * b) const
Map_t &Map_t::clear()
Map_t &Map_t::clear(bool k, bool v)
Map_t &Map_t::clear_no_resize()
intMap_t::cmp(Map_t const * other) const
intMap_t::cmp(Map_t const & other) const
Map_t *Map_t::copy() const
Map_t *Map_t::copy_err(int * err) const
boolMap_t::equal(Map_t const * other) const
boolMap_t::equal(Map_t const & other) const
Map_t &Map_t::erase(iTypeTouched i)
Map_t &Map_t::erase(Map_t const & other)
Map_t &Map_t::erase(Map_t const * other)
Map_t &Map_t::erase_map(Map_t const & other)
Map_t &Map_t::erase_map(Map_t const * other)
Map_t &Map_t::insert(iTypeTouched k)
Map_t &Map_t::insert(iTypeTouched k, oTypeTouched v)
Map_t &Map_t::insert(Map_t const & other)
Map_t &Map_t::insert(Map_t const * other)
Map_t &Map_t::insert_map(Map_t const & other)
Map_t &Map_t::insert_map(Map_t const * other)
Map_t &Map_t::intersect(Map_t const & other)
Map_t &Map_t::intersect(Map_t const * other)
Map_t &Map_t::intersect_no_resize(Map_t const & other)
Map_t &Map_t::intersect_no_resize(Map_t const * other)
Map_t &Map_t::modify(Map_t const & other)
Map_t &Map_t::modify(Map_t const * other)
Map_t &Map_t::modify_map(Map_t const & other)
Map_t &Map_t::modify_map(Map_t const * other)
Map_t &Map_t::poke(iType * kp, iTypeTouched k, bool aintroduce = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeTouched k, oTypeTouched v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_icopy(iType * kp, iTypeVarParam k, bool aintroduce = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_icopy(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeVarParam k, oTypeTouched v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_icopy_no_ocopy(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeVarParam k, oTypeVarParam v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_ocopy(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeTouched k, oTypeVarParam v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::rehash(int n)
Map_t &Map_t::remove_map(Map_t const & other)
Map_t &Map_t::remove_map(Map_t const * other)
Map_t &Map_t::set(iTypeTouched i, oTypeTouched v)
Map_t &Map_t::set(Map_t const & other)
Map_t &Map_t::set(Map_t const * other)
Map_t &Map_t::set_map(Map_t const & other)
Map_t &Map_t::set_map(Map_t const * other)
Map_t &Map_t::xchg(Map_t * other)
Map_t &Map_t::xchg(Map_t & other)
Declaration  ]


typedef Map_t const * Map_t_const_p

Declaration  ]


typedef Map_t * Map_t_p

Declaration  ]


typedef oType Map_value_t

Declaration  ]


typedef int (* Map_void_pair_cmp_t) (void const *, void const *)

Declaration  ]


typedef Vector_t Vector_class

Declaration  ]


typedef int (* Vector_cmp_t) (oType const *, oType const *)


Vector_index_tVector_bfind(Vector_t const *, oTypeParam, Vector_cmp_t)
intVector_cmp(Vector_t const *, Vector_t const *, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
Vector_cnt_tVector_erase_equals(Vector_t * self, Vector_cmp_t cmp, Vector_combine_t combine)
voidVector_heap_erase(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
oTypeVarVector_heap_extract(Vector_t * self, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
voidVector_heap_fix(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
intVector_heap_insert(Vector_t * self, oTypeParam elem, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
voidVector_heap_raise(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
voidVector_heap_sink(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
voidVector_heap_sort(Vector_t * self, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLVector_locate(Vector_index_t * index, Vector_t const * self, oTypeParam needle, Vector_cmp_t order, int how)
voidVector_make_heap(Vector_t * self, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
intVector_priority_cmp(Vector_t const *, Vector_t const *, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
voidVector_qsort(Vector_t *, Vector_cmp_t order)
voidVector_sort(Vector_t *, Vector_cmp_t order)
Vector_index_tVector_t::bfind(oTypeParam a, Vector_cmp_t f = NULL) const
intVector_t::cmp(Vector_t const * other, Vector_cmp_t fcmp = Vector_CMP_T_NULL) const
intVector_t::cmp(Vector_t const & other, Vector_cmp_t cmp_func = Vector_CMP_T_NULL) const
Vector_cnt_tVector_t::erase_equals(Vector_cmp_t fcmp = Vector_CMP_T_NULL, Vector_combine_t combine = Vector_COMBINE_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_erase(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
oTypeVarVector_t::heap_extract(Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_fix(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_insert(oTypeParam elem, Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_raise(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_sink(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_sort(Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
boolVector_t::locate(Vector_index_t & index, oTypeParam element, Vector_cmp_t fcmp = Vector_CMP_T_NULL, int how = 0) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::make_heap(Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
intVector_t::priority_cmp(Vector_t const * other, Vector_cmp_t fcmp = Vector_CMP_T_NULL) const
intVector_t::priority_cmp(Vector_t const & other, Vector_cmp_t fcmp = Vector_CMP_T_NULL) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::qsort(Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::sort(Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Declaration  ]


typedef int Vector_cnt_t

Declaration  ]


typedef int (* Vector_combine_t) (Vector_element_ptr_t, oType const *)


Vector_cnt_tVector_erase_equals(Vector_t * self, Vector_cmp_t cmp, Vector_combine_t combine)
Vector_cnt_tVector_t::erase_equals(Vector_cmp_t fcmp = Vector_CMP_T_NULL, Vector_combine_t combine = Vector_COMBINE_T_NULL)
Declaration  ]


typedef Global_bool_t (* Vector_cpp_feature_t) (oTypeParam)

Declaration  ]


typedef oType const * Vector_element_ptr_t


Vector_element_ptr_tVector_as_array(Vector_t const *)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_as_array_detach(Vector_t *)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_as_open_array(Vector_t const *)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_as_open_array_detach(Vector_t *)
voidVector_delete_array(Vector_element_ptr_t array)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_find_ptr(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oTypeParam needle)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_first_ptr(Vector_t * self)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_last_ptr(Vector_t * self)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_nth_ptr(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_nth_ptr_char(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_nth_ptr_check(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_rfind_ptr(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oTypeParam needle)
voidVector_t::delete_array(Vector_element_ptr_t array)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_t::operator+(Vector_index_t i)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_t::operator+() const
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_t::operator+(Vector_index_t i)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_t::operator+() const
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_t::as_array() const
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_t::as_open_array() const
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_t::nth_ptr(Vector_index_t i)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_t::nth_ptr_char(Vector_index_t i)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_t::nth_ptr_check(Vector_index_t i)
Declaration  ]


typedef oType const & Vector_element_ref_t


Vector_element_ref_tVector_t::operator[](Vector_index_t i)
Vector_element_ref_tVector_t::operator[](Vector_index_t i)
Vector_element_ref_tVector_t::nth_ref(Vector_index_t i)
Vector_element_ref_tVector_t::nth_ref_char(Vector_index_t i)
Vector_element_ref_tVector_t::nth_ref_check(Vector_index_t i)
Declaration  ]


typedef Global_ERWIN_BOOL (* Vector_feature_t) (oTypeParam)


Vector_cnt_tVector_erase_if(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
Vector_cnt_tVector_erase_if_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL resize, Global_ERWIN_BOOL dealloc)
Vector_cnt_tVector_erase_if_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL resize)
Vector_index_tVector_find_if(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
voidVector_ltrim_if(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
Vector_index_tVector_rfind_if(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
voidVector_rtrim_if(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
voidVector_trim_if(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
Vector_cnt_tVector_t::erase_if(Vector_feature_t f, bool inv = true, bool a = true, bool b = true)
Vector_cnt_tVector_t::erase_if(Vector_feature_t f, bool inv = true, bool a = true)
Vector_cnt_tVector_t::erase_if_not(Vector_feature_t f, bool inv = true, bool a = true, bool b = true)
Vector_cnt_tVector_t::erase_if_not(Vector_feature_t f, bool inv = true, bool a = true)
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_if(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_if(Vector_index_t start, Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_if_not(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_if_not(Vector_index_t start, Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::ltrim_if(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::ltrim_if_not(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_if(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_if(Vector_index_t start, Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_if_not(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_if_not(Vector_index_t start, Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::rtrim_if(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inv = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::rtrim_if_not(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inv = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::trim_if(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inv = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::trim_if_not(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inv = true)
Declaration  ]


typedef int Vector_index_t

#if !(!(!Vector_SMALL_SIZE && elif) && elif)

Declaration  ]


typedef oType (* Vector_map_t) (oTypeParam)

In order to have oTypeResult as a result type for Vector_map_t, declare that function yourself and define Vector_MAP_T_DEFINED.


voidVector_map(Vector_t * self, Vector_map_t map)
Vector_t &Vector_t::map(Vector_map_t fmap)
Declaration  ]


typedef unsigned int Vector_size_t

#if !(!(!Vector_SMALL_SIZE && elif) && elif)

Declaration  ]


typedef struct Vector_t Vector_t


Vector_t const *Global_erwin_ptr_const_of(Vector_t const * x)
Vector_t const *Global_erwin_ptr_const_of(Vector_t const & x)
Vector_t *Global_erwin_ptr_of(Vector_t * x)
Vector_t *Global_erwin_ptr_of(Vector_t & x)
intVector_append(Vector_t * self, oTypeTouched value)
intVector_append_basename(Vector_t * self, Vector_t const * path)
intVector_append_config_file_name(Vector_t * self, oType const * program_name, Global_ERWIN_BOOL local)
intVector_append_directory(Vector_t * self, Vector_t const * path)
intVector_append_no_copy(Vector_t * self, oTypeVar const * theelements, Vector_cnt_t number_of_elements_to_insert)
intVector_append_raw(Vector_t * self, oType const * elements, Vector_cnt_t count)
intVector_append_string(Vector_t * self, oType const * theelements)
intVector_append_vector(Vector_t * self, Vector_t const * other)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_as_array(Vector_t const *)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_as_array_detach(Vector_t *)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_as_open_array(Vector_t const *)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_as_open_array_detach(Vector_t *)
Vector_index_tVector_basename_index(Vector_t const * self)
voidVector_basename_range(Vector_index_t * first, Vector_cnt_t * length, Vector_t const * self)
Vector_index_tVector_bfind(Vector_t const *, oTypeParam, Vector_cmp_t)
voidVector_chomp(Vector_t * self)
intVector_chop(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t count)
intVector_chop_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t count, Global_ERWIN_BOOL resize, Global_ERWIN_BOOL delete_elems)
intVector_chop_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t number_of_elements_to_erase_off, Global_ERWIN_BOOL resize)
voidVector_clear(Vector_t * self)
voidVector_clear_errno(Vector_t const * self)
voidVector_clear_flags(Vector_t * self, Global_ERWIN_BOOL resize, Global_ERWIN_BOOL delete_elems)
voidVector_clear_keep(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t table_min_size)
voidVector_clear_no_resize(Vector_t * self)
intVector_cmp(Vector_t const *, Vector_t const *, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
Vector_t *Vector_copy(Vector_t const * self)
Vector_t *Vector_copy_err(Vector_t const * self, int * err)
voidVector_delete(Vector_t * self)
voidVector_destroy(Vector_t * self)
voidVector_detach(Vector_t * self)
voidVector_detach_as_is(Vector_t * self)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLVector_empty(Vector_t const * self)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLVector_empty(Vector_t const * self)
voidVector_ensure_heap_storage(Vector_t *)
intVector_ensure_size(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t size)
intVector_ensure_size_with(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t size, oTypeTouched elem)
intVector_ensure_table_size(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t size)
intVector_erase(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, Vector_cnt_t number_of_elements)
Vector_cnt_tVector_erase_equals(Vector_t * self, Vector_cmp_t cmp, Vector_combine_t combine)
intVector_erase_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, Vector_cnt_t number_of_elements_to_delete, Global_ERWIN_BOOL resize, Global_ERWIN_BOOL delete_elems)
intVector_erase_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, Vector_cnt_t number_of_elements_to_delete, Global_ERWIN_BOOL resize)
Vector_cnt_tVector_erase_if(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
Vector_cnt_tVector_erase_if_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL resize, Global_ERWIN_BOOL dealloc)
Vector_cnt_tVector_erase_if_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL resize)
Vector_cnt_tVector_erase_zero(Vector_t * self)
intVector_errno(Vector_t const *)
intVector_fgets(Vector_t * self, FILE * f, Vector_cnt_t max_count)
Vector_index_tVector_find(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oTypeParam needle)
Vector_index_tVector_find_if(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_find_ptr(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oTypeParam needle)
Vector_index_tVector_find_raw(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t len)
oTypeResultVector_first(Vector_t const * self)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_first_ptr(Vector_t * self)
oTypeVarVector_first_swap_chop1(Vector_t * self)
voidVector_format(Vector_t * self, Tchar const * format, ...)
intVector_fread(Vector_t * self, FILE * f, Vector_cnt_t max_count)
Vector_quotation_method_t const *Vector_get_quotation_method(Vector_t const * self, int which)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLVector_has_heap_storage(Vector_t const *)
Global_hashval_tVector_hash(Vector_t const *)
Global_hashval_tVector_hash(Vector_t const * x)
Global_hashval_tVector_hash_raw(Vector_t const *)
voidVector_heap_erase(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
oTypeVarVector_heap_extract(Vector_t * self, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
Vector_index_tVector_heap_father(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t i)
voidVector_heap_fix(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
intVector_heap_insert(Vector_t * self, oTypeParam elem, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
Vector_index_tVector_heap_left(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t i)
voidVector_heap_raise(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
Vector_index_tVector_heap_right(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t i)
voidVector_heap_sink(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
voidVector_heap_sort(Vector_t * self, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
intVector_init(Vector_t * self)
intVector_init_with_initial_size(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t initial_size)
intVector_init_with_zero_and_initial_size(Vector_t * self, oTypeTouched zero, Vector_cnt_t initial_size)
intVector_insert(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, oTypeTouched element)
intVector_insert_no_copy(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, oTypeVar const * values, Vector_cnt_t count)
intVector_insert_raw(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, oType const * values, Vector_cnt_t count)
intVector_insert_string(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index, oType const * values)
intVector_insert_subvector(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index_self, Vector_t const * other, Vector_index_t start_index_other, Vector_cnt_t size, Global_ERWIN_BOOL docopy)
intVector_insert_vector(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index, Vector_t const * initial)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLVector_is_equal_at(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t pos, oType const * other, Vector_cnt_t len)
oTypeResultVector_last(Vector_t const * self)
oTypeVarVector_last_chop1(Vector_t * self)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_last_ptr(Vector_t * self)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLVector_locate(Vector_index_t * index, Vector_t const * self, oTypeParam needle, Vector_cmp_t order, int how)
voidVector_ltrim(Vector_t * self)
voidVector_ltrim_if(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
intVector_make_gap(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index, Vector_cnt_t count)
intVector_make_gap_with(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index, oTypeTouched elem, Vector_cnt_t count)
voidVector_make_heap(Vector_t * self, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
voidVector_map(Vector_t * self, Vector_map_t map)
oTypeVarVector_modify(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, oTypeTouched newvalue)
Vector_cnt_tVector_nentries(Vector_t const * self)
Vector_cnt_tVector_nentries(Vector_t const * self)
Vector_t *Vector_new()
Vector_t *Vector_new_from_raw(oTypeVar * contents, Vector_cnt_t nentries, Vector_cnt_t allocsize)
Vector_t *Vector_new_from_raw_with_zero(oTypeVar * contents, Vector_cnt_t nentries, Vector_cnt_t allocsize, oTypeTouched zero)
Vector_t *Vector_new_from_vector(Vector_t * other)
Vector_t *Vector_new_with_initial_size(Vector_cnt_t initial_size)
Vector_t *Vector_new_with_zero(oTypeTouched zero)
Vector_t *Vector_new_with_zero_and_initial_size(oTypeTouched zero, Vector_cnt_t initial_size)
oTypeResultVector_nth(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t index)
oTypeResultVector_nth(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
oTypeResultVector_nth_char(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t index)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_nth_ptr(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_nth_ptr_char(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_char_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_char_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_nth_ptr_check(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_check_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_check_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
voidVector_oformat(Vector_t * self, unsigned long int options, Tchar const * format, ...)
intVector_overwrite(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index_in_self, Vector_t const * newdata, Vector_index_t start_index_in_initial, Vector_cnt_t max_count)
intVector_overwrite_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index, oType const * values, Vector_cnt_t count, Global_ERWIN_BOOL copy_elements, Global_ERWIN_BOOL delete_overwritten_elements)
intVector_overwrite_raw(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index_in_self, oType const * newdata, Vector_cnt_t count)
intVector_overwrite_string(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index_in_self, oType const * newdata)
intVector_overwrite_vector(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index_in_self, Vector_t const * newdata)
voidVector_ovformat(Vector_t * self, unsigned long int options, Tchar const * format, va_list arguments)
Vector_index_tVector_pos(Vector_t *)
Vector_index_tVector_pos(Vector_t * x)
Vector_index_t *Vector_pos_ptr(Vector_t *)
Vector_index_t *Vector_pos_ptr(Vector_t * x)
intVector_priority_cmp(Vector_t const *, Vector_t const *, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
voidVector_qsort(Vector_t *, Vector_cmp_t order)
voidVector_reverse(Vector_t * self)
Vector_index_tVector_rfind(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oTypeParam needle)
Vector_index_tVector_rfind_if(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_rfind_ptr(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oTypeParam needle)
Vector_index_tVector_rfind_raw(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t len)
voidVector_roformat(Vector_format_info_t * info, Vector_t * self, unsigned long int options, Tchar const * format, ... arguments)
voidVector_rovformat(Vector_format_info_t * info, Vector_t * self, unsigned long int options, Tchar const * format, va_list arguments)
voidVector_rtrim(Vector_t * self)
voidVector_rtrim_if(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
intVector_set(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, oTypeTouched newvalue)
voidVector_set_pos(Vector_t *, Vector_index_t)
voidVector_set_pos(Vector_t * x, Vector_index_t y)
voidVector_set_quotation_method(Vector_t const * self, int which, Vector_quotation_method_t const *)
intVector_set_size(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t size)
intVector_set_size_no_resize(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t size)
intVector_set_size_raw(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t size)
intVector_set_size_with(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t size, oTypeTouched elem)
voidVector_shrink(Vector_t * self, Global_ERWIN_BOOL tight)
voidVector_sort(Vector_t *, Vector_cmp_t order)
Vector_cnt_tVector_string_length(Vector_t const * self, oType const * string)
Vector_t *Vector_subvector(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start_index, Vector_cnt_t size, Global_ERWIN_BOOL docopy)
voidVector_swap(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index1, Vector_index_t index2)
intVector_swap_erase(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, Vector_cnt_t number_of_elements)
intVector_swap_erase_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, Vector_cnt_t number_of_elements_to_delete, Global_ERWIN_BOOL resize, Global_ERWIN_BOOL delete_elems)
intVector_swap_erase_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, Vector_cnt_t number_of_elements_to_delete, Global_ERWIN_BOOL resize)
Vector_cnt_tVector_table_size(Vector_t const * self)
voidVector_to_lower(Vector_t * self)
voidVector_to_upper(Vector_t * self)
voidVector_trim(Vector_t * self)
voidVector_trim_if(Vector_t * self, Vector_feature_t feature, Global_ERWIN_BOOL value)
voidVector_vformat(Vector_t * self, Tchar const * format, va_list)
voidVector_xchg(Vector_t * self, Vector_t * other)
oTypeResultVector_zero(Vector_t const * self)
Vector_t const &Vector_t::static_zero()
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(ERWIN_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG a, int base, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(ERWIN_LONG_LONG a, int base, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(unsigned long a, int base, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(long a, int base, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(unsigned a, int base, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(int a, int base, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(unsigned short a, int base, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(short a, int base, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(unsigned char a, int base, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(signed char a, int base, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(double a, int base, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(char a, int options, int width)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(char const * a, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(wchar_t const * a, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(Vector_t const * a, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(Vector_t const & a, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_tVector_t::stringify(bool a, int options, int width, int prec = -1)
Vector_t::Vector(Vector_cnt_t initial_size)
Vector_t::Vector(oTypeTouched, Vector_cnt_t)
Vector_t::Vector(Vector_t const *, bool do_copy = true)
Vector_t::Vector(Vector_t const *, Vector_index_t, Vector_cnt_t, bool do_copy = true)
Vector_t::Vector(oTypeVar const *, bool do_copy = true)
Vector_t::Vector(oTypeVar const *, Vector_cnt_t, bool do_copy = true)
Vector_t::Vector(oType const *)
Vector_t::Vector(oType const *, Vector_cnt_t)
Vector_t::Vector(bool must_be_true, oTypeVar * other, Vector_cnt_t count, Vector_cnt_t alloc)
Vector_t::Vector(bool must_be_true, oTypeVar * other, Vector_cnt_t count, Vector_cnt_t alloc, oTypeTouched zero_element)
Vector_t::Vector(bool must_be_true, Vector_t * other)
Vector_t::Vector(bool must_be_true, Vector_t & other)
Vector_t::Vector(Vector_t const &, bool docopy = true)
Vector_t::Vector(Vector_t const &, Vector_index_t, Vector_cnt_t, bool do_copy = true)
Vector_t::operator Vector_t *()
Vector_t::operator Vector_t const *() const
boolVector_t::operator!=(Vector_t const & b) const
boolVector_t::operator!=(Vector_t const * b) const
boolVector_t::operator<(Vector_t const & b) const
boolVector_t::operator<(Vector_t const * b) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(oTypeTouched a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(Vector_t const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(Vector_t const & a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(ERWIN_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(ERWIN_LONG_LONG a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(unsigned long a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(signed long a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(unsigned int a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(signed int a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(double a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(void * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(unsigned short a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(signed short a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(bool a)
boolVector_t::operator<=(Vector_t const & b) const
boolVector_t::operator<=(Vector_t const * b) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator=(Vector_t const &)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator=(Vector_t const *)
boolVector_t::operator==(Vector_t const & b) const
boolVector_t::operator==(Vector_t const * b) const
boolVector_t::operator>(Vector_t const & b) const
boolVector_t::operator>(Vector_t const * b) const
boolVector_t::operator>=(Vector_t const & b) const
boolVector_t::operator>=(Vector_t const * b) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::append(oTypeTouched a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append(Vector_t const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append(Vector_t const & a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append(oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_basename(Vector_t const & other)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_basename(Vector_t const * other)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_config_file_name(oType const * progname, bool local = false)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_directory(Vector_t const & other)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_directory(Vector_t const * other)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_no_copy(oTypeVar const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_raw(oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_string(oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_subvector(Vector_t const & a, Vector_index_t b, Vector_cnt_t c = -1, Global_ERWIN_BOOL d = Global_ERWIN_TRUE)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_subvector(Vector_t const * a, Vector_index_t b, Vector_cnt_t c = -1, Global_ERWIN_BOOL d = Global_ERWIN_TRUE)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_vector(Vector_t const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_vector(Vector_t const & a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::chomp()
Vector_t &Vector_t::chop(Vector_cnt_t n = 1)
Vector_t &Vector_t::chop(bool a, bool b = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::chop(Vector_cnt_t n, bool a, bool b = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::chop(bool a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::chop(Vector_cnt_t n, bool a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::clear()
Vector_t &Vector_t::clear(bool a, bool b = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::clear_keep(Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::clear_no_resize()
intVector_t::cmp(Vector_t const * other, Vector_cmp_t fcmp = Vector_CMP_T_NULL) const
intVector_t::cmp(Vector_t const & other, Vector_cmp_t cmp_func = Vector_CMP_T_NULL) const
Vector_t *Vector_t::copy() const
Vector_t *Vector_t::copy_detach()
Vector_t *Vector_t::copy_err(int * err) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::detach()
Vector_t &Vector_t::detach_as_is()
Vector_t &Vector_t::ensure_heap_storage()
Vector_t &Vector_t::ensure_size(Vector_cnt_t a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::ensure_size(Vector_cnt_t a, oTypeTouched b)
Vector_t &Vector_t::erase(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cnt_t n = -1)
Vector_t &Vector_t::erase(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cnt_t n, bool a, bool b = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::erase(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cnt_t n, bool a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::fgets(FILE * fileptr, Vector_cnt_t max_count = -1)
Vector_index_tVector_t::find(Vector_t const & needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find(Vector_t const * needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const & needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const * needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_vector(Vector_t const & needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_vector(Vector_t const * needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_vector(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const & needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_vector(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const * needle) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::format(Tchar const *, ...)
Vector_t &Vector_t::format(unsigned long int, Tchar const *, ...)
Vector_t &Vector_t::format(Vector_format_info_t *, Tchar const *, ...)
Vector_t &Vector_t::format(Vector_format_info_t *, unsigned long int, Tchar const *, ...)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_erase(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_fix(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_insert(oTypeParam elem, Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_raise(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_sink(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_sort(Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert(Vector_index_t i, oTypeTouched a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const & a, Vector_index_t b, Vector_cnt_t c = -1, Global_ERWIN_BOOL d = Global_ERWIN_TRUE)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const * a, Vector_index_t b, Vector_cnt_t c = -1, Global_ERWIN_BOOL d = Global_ERWIN_TRUE)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const & a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert_no_copy(Vector_index_t i, oTypeVar const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert_raw(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert_string(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert_subvector(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const * a, Vector_index_t b = 0, Vector_cnt_t c = -1, Global_ERWIN_BOOL d = Global_ERWIN_TRUE)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert_subvector(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const & a, Vector_index_t b = 0, Vector_cnt_t c = -1, Global_ERWIN_BOOL d = Global_ERWIN_TRUE)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert_vector(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert_vector(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const & a)
boolVector_t::is_equal_at(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const & b) const
boolVector_t::is_equal_at(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const * b) const
boolVector_t::is_equal_at_vector(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const & b) const
boolVector_t::is_equal_at_vector(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const * b) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::ltrim()
Vector_t &Vector_t::ltrim_if(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::ltrim_if_not(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inverted = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::make_gap(Vector_index_t a, Vector_cnt_t b)
Vector_t &Vector_t::make_gap(Vector_index_t a, oTypeTouched x, Vector_cnt_t b)
Vector_t &Vector_t::make_gap_with(Vector_index_t a, oTypeTouched x, Vector_cnt_t b)
Vector_t &Vector_t::make_heap(Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::map(Vector_map_t fmap)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const * a, Vector_index_t ia, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const & a, Vector_index_t ia, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const & a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite_flags(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n, bool dealloc, bool docopy)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite_raw(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite_string(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite_vector(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite_vector(Vector_index_t i, Vector_t const & a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend(oTypeTouched a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend(Vector_t const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend(Vector_t const & a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend(oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend_no_copy(oTypeVar const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend_raw(oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend_string(oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend_vector(Vector_t const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend_vector(Vector_t const & a)
intVector_t::priority_cmp(Vector_t const * other, Vector_cmp_t fcmp = Vector_CMP_T_NULL) const
intVector_t::priority_cmp(Vector_t const & other, Vector_cmp_t fcmp = Vector_CMP_T_NULL) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::qsort(Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::reverse()
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind(Vector_t const & needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind(Vector_t const * needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const & needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const * needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_vector(Vector_t const & needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_vector(Vector_t const * needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_vector(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const & needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_vector(Vector_index_t a, Vector_t const * needle) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::rtrim()
Vector_t &Vector_t::rtrim_if(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inv = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::rtrim_if_not(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inv = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::set(Vector_index_t i, oTypeTouched v)
Vector_t &Vector_t::set_size(Vector_cnt_t a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::set_size(Vector_cnt_t a, oTypeTouched b)
Vector_t &Vector_t::shrink(bool tight = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::sort(Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t *Vector_t::subvector(Vector_index_t b, Vector_cnt_t c) const
Vector_t *Vector_t::subvector(Vector_index_t b, Vector_cnt_t c, bool d) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::swap(Vector_index_t a, Vector_index_t b)
Vector_t &Vector_t::swap_chop(Vector_cnt_t n = 1)
Vector_t &Vector_t::swap_chop(bool a, bool b = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::swap_chop(Vector_cnt_t n, bool a, bool b = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::swap_chop(bool a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::swap_chop(Vector_cnt_t n, bool a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::swap_erase(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cnt_t n = -1)
Vector_t &Vector_t::swap_erase(Vector_index_t i, Vector_cnt_t n, bool a, bool b = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::to_lower()
Vector_t &Vector_t::to_upper()
Vector_t &Vector_t::trim()
Vector_t &Vector_t::trim_if(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inv = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::trim_if_not(Vector_feature_t feature, bool inv = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::vformat(Tchar const *, va_list)
Vector_t &Vector_t::vformat(unsigned long int, Tchar const *, va_list)
Vector_t &Vector_t::vformat(Vector_format_info_t *, Tchar const *, va_list)
Vector_t &Vector_t::vformat(Vector_format_info_t *, unsigned long int, Tchar const *, va_list)
Vector_t &Vector_t::xchg(Vector_t * other)
Vector_t &Vector_t::xchg(Vector_t & other)
Declaration  ]


typedef Vector_t const * Vector_t_const_p

Declaration  ]


typedef Vector_t * Vector_t_p

Declaration  ]


typedef oType Vector_value_t

Declaration  ]


enum _Global_erwin_kind_t { ... }

#if Global_ERWIN_TYPE_INFO && !defined(TYPE_INFO_T)

Declaration  ]


typedef void (* _Global_map_iterator_callback_t) (void const *, struct _Global_map_iterator_t *)

Declaration  ]


typedef int (* _Global_map_iterator_cmp_callback_t) (void const *, void const *)

Declaration  ]


typedef void (* _Global_map_iterator_sorted_callback_t) (void const *, struct _Global_map_iterator_sorted_t *)

Declaration  ]


typedef void (* _Global_map_iterator_sorted_init_callback_t) (void const *, struct _Global_map_iterator_sorted_t *, _Global_map_iterator_cmp_callback_t)

Declaration  ]


The key type of the data structure as seen by the user of the interface. In more complex structures, it may be different from iTypeVar, iTypeParam and iTypeTouched.


voidMap_delete_keys(iType * keys)
intMap_find_any_pair(Map_key_result_t *, Map_t const * self)
intMap_find_any_pair(Map_key_result_t *, Map_element_ptr_t *, Map_t const * self)
iType *Map_get_keys(Map_t const * self)
intMap_poke(iType * key_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce)
intMap_poke(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeTouched value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
intMap_poke_no_icopy(iType * key_out, Map_t * self, iTypeVarParam key, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce)
intMap_poke_no_icopy(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeVarParam key, oTypeParam value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
intMap_poke_no_icopy_no_ocopy(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeVarParam key, oTypeVarParam value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
intMap_poke_no_ocopy(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeVarParam value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
voidMap_t::delete_keys(iType * k)
intMap_t::find_any_pair(Map_key_result_t & kp, Map_element_ptr_t & vp) const
iType *Map_t::get_keys() const
Map_t &Map_t::poke(iType * kp, iTypeTouched k, bool aintroduce = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeTouched k, oTypeTouched v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_icopy(iType * kp, iTypeVarParam k, bool aintroduce = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_icopy(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeVarParam k, oTypeTouched v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_icopy_no_ocopy(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeVarParam k, oTypeVarParam v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_ocopy(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeTouched k, oTypeVarParam v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)


The key type of the data structure in parameters to functions. E.g. in C++, you may want to use iType=MyType, but have iTypeParam="MyType const &" With untemplatize, you can add such a "const &" to both iTypeResult and iTypeParam by using iTypeSuffix="const &".

By default, this is derived from iType and iTypeSuffix.


oTypeResultMap_find(Map_t const * self, iTypeParam index)
iTypeResultMap_find_key(Map_t const * self, iTypeParam index)
Map_element_ptr_tMap_find_ptr(Map_t const * self, iTypeParam index)
oTypeVarMap_modify(Map_t * self, iTypeParam index, oTypeTouched value)
oTypeResultMap_t::operator[](iTypeParam i) const
oTypeResultMap_t::find(iTypeParam i) const
iTypeResultMap_t::find_key(iTypeParam i) const
oType *Map_t::find_ptr(iTypeParam i) const
oType const *Map_t::find_ptr(iTypeParam i) const
oTypeVarMap_t::modify(iTypeParam i, oTypeTouched v)


The key type of the data structure in return values of functions. E.g. in C++, you may want to use iType=MyType, but have iTypeResult="MyType const &" With untemplatize, you can add such a "const &" to both iTypeResult and iTypeParam by using iTypeSuffix="const &".

By default, this is derived from iType and iTypeSuffix.


iTypeResultMap_ensure(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key)
iTypeResultMap_ensure_no_icopy(Map_t * self, iTypeVarParam key)
iTypeResultMap_find_any_key(Map_t const * self)
iTypeResultMap_find_key(Map_t const * self, iTypeParam index)
iTypeResultMap_t::operator()(iTypeTouched k)
iTypeResultMap_t::ensure(iTypeTouched k)
iTypeResultMap_t::ensure_no_icopy(iTypeVarParam k)
iTypeResultMap_t::find_any_key() const
iTypeResultMap_t::find_key(iTypeParam i) const


The key type of the data structure in parameters to functions. The difference to iTypeParam is that the parameter has a chance of being copied. For reference counting, this might be important to distinguish.

By default, this is equal to iTypeParam.


iTypeResultMap_ensure(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key)
intMap_erase(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
intMap_erase_no_resize(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
oTypeResultMap_find_ensure(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
Map_element_ptr_tMap_find_ptr_ensure(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
intMap_insert(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key)
intMap_insert(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeTouched value)
intMap_poke(iType * key_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce)
intMap_poke(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeTouched value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
intMap_poke_no_ocopy(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeVarParam value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
oTypeVarMap_remove(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
oTypeVarMap_remove_no_resize(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
intMap_set(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index, oTypeTouched value)
iTypeResultMap_t::operator()(iTypeTouched k)
oType &Map_t::operator[](iTypeTouched i)
oTypeIndex &Map_t::operator[](iTypeTouched i)
iTypeResultMap_t::ensure(iTypeTouched k)
Map_t &Map_t::erase(iTypeTouched i)
oTypeResultMap_t::find_ensure(iTypeTouched i)
oType *Map_t::find_ptr_ensure(iTypeTouched i)
oType const *Map_t::find_ptr_ensure(iTypeTouched i)
Map_t &Map_t::insert(iTypeTouched k)
Map_t &Map_t::insert(iTypeTouched k, oTypeTouched v)
Map_t &Map_t::poke(iType * kp, iTypeTouched k, bool aintroduce = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeTouched k, oTypeTouched v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_ocopy(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeTouched k, oTypeVarParam v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
oTypeVarMap_t::remove(iTypeTouched i)
Map_t &Map_t::set(iTypeTouched i, oTypeTouched v)


The key type of the data structure as used inside the implementation. The may be different to iType, most likely by the lack of a "const" if the data type is copied when stored in the map.

By default, this is equal to iType.


The value type of the data structure as seen by the user of the interface. In more complex structures, it may be different from oTypeVar, oTypeParam and oTypeTouched.


Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oType * valuep)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration_reverse(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oType * valuep)
voidMap_delete_values(oType * values)
oType *Map_get_values(Map_t const * self)
intVector_append_config_file_name(Vector_t * self, oType const * program_name, Global_ERWIN_BOOL local)
intVector_append_raw(Vector_t * self, oType const * elements, Vector_cnt_t count)
intVector_append_string(Vector_t * self, oType const * theelements)
Vector_index_tVector_find_raw(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t len)
intVector_insert_raw(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, oType const * values, Vector_cnt_t count)
intVector_insert_string(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index, oType const * values)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLVector_is_equal_at(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t pos, oType const * other, Vector_cnt_t len)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_char_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_char_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_check_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_check_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
oType const *Vector_nth_ptr_const(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
intVector_overwrite_flags(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index, oType const * values, Vector_cnt_t count, Global_ERWIN_BOOL copy_elements, Global_ERWIN_BOOL delete_overwritten_elements)
intVector_overwrite_raw(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index_in_self, oType const * newdata, Vector_cnt_t count)
intVector_overwrite_string(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index_in_self, oType const * newdata)
Vector_index_tVector_rfind_raw(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t len)
Vector_cnt_tVector_string_length(Vector_t const * self, oType const * string)
voidMap_t::delete_values(oType * k)
Vector_t::Vector(oType const *)
Vector_t::Vector(oType const *, Vector_cnt_t)
oType const *Vector_t::operator+(Vector_index_t i) const
oType const *Vector_t::operator+(Vector_index_t i) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(oType const * a)
oType &Map_t::operator[](iTypeTouched i)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append(oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_config_file_name(oType const * progname, bool local = false)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_raw(oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_string(oType const * a)
void(* _Vector_quotation_method_t::check_quote)(oType * destination, int length)
Vector_index_tVector_t::find(oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t n) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find(oType const * needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find(Vector_index_t a, oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t n) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find(Vector_index_t a, oType const * needle) const
oType *Map_t::find_ptr(iTypeParam i) const
oType const *Map_t::find_ptr(iTypeParam i) const
oType *Map_t::find_ptr_ensure(iTypeTouched i)
oType const *Map_t::find_ptr_ensure(iTypeTouched i)
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_raw(oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t n) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_raw(Vector_index_t a, oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t n) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_string(oType const * needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find_string(Vector_index_t a, oType const * needle) const
oType *Map_t::get_values() const
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert_raw(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert_string(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a)
boolVector_t::is_equal_at(Vector_index_t a, oType const * b, Vector_cnt_t n) const
boolVector_t::is_equal_at(Vector_index_t a, oType const * b) const
boolVector_t::is_equal_at_raw(Vector_index_t a, oType const * b, Vector_cnt_t n) const
boolVector_t::is_equal_at_string(Vector_index_t a, oType const * b) const
boolList_t::next_iteration(Global_list_key_t * a, oType * b) const
boolList_t::next_iteration_reverse(Global_list_key_t * a, oType * b) const
oType const *Vector_t::nth_ptr(Vector_index_t i) const
oType const *Vector_t::nth_ptr_char(Vector_index_t i) const
oType const *Vector_t::nth_ptr_check(Vector_index_t i) const
oType const &Vector_t::nth_ref(Vector_index_t i) const
oType const &Vector_t::nth_ref_char(Vector_index_t i) const
oType const &Vector_t::nth_ref_check(Vector_index_t i) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite_flags(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n, bool dealloc, bool docopy)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite_raw(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::overwrite_string(Vector_index_t i, oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend(oType const * a)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend_raw(oType const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend_string(oType const * a)
void(* _Vector_quotation_method_t::quote)(oType * destination, Tchar tobequoted, int length)
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind(oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t n) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind(oType const * needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind(Vector_index_t a, oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t n) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind(Vector_index_t a, oType const * needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_raw(oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t n) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_raw(Vector_index_t a, oType const * needle, Vector_cnt_t n) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_string(oType const * needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind_string(Vector_index_t a, oType const * needle) const
Vector_cnt_tVector_t::string_length(oType const * a) const


The value type of the data structure in parameters to functions. E.g. in C++, you may want to use oType=MyType, but have oTypeParam="MyType const &" With untemplatize, you can add such a "const &" to both oTypeResult and oTypeParam by using oTypeSuffix="const &".

By default, this is derived from oType and oTypeSuffix.


intMap_poke_no_icopy(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeVarParam key, oTypeParam value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
Vector_index_tVector_bfind(Vector_t const *, oTypeParam, Vector_cmp_t)
Vector_index_tVector_find(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oTypeParam needle)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_find_ptr(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oTypeParam needle)
intVector_heap_insert(Vector_t * self, oTypeParam elem, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLVector_locate(Vector_index_t * index, Vector_t const * self, oTypeParam needle, Vector_cmp_t order, int how)
Vector_index_tVector_rfind(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oTypeParam needle)
Vector_element_ptr_tVector_rfind_ptr(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t start, oTypeParam needle)
Vector_index_tVector_t::bfind(oTypeParam a, Vector_cmp_t f = NULL) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find(oTypeParam needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::find(Vector_index_t a, oTypeParam needle) const
Vector_t &Vector_t::heap_insert(oTypeParam elem, Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
boolVector_t::locate(Vector_index_t & index, oTypeParam element, int how) const
boolVector_t::locate(Vector_index_t & index, oTypeParam element, Vector_cmp_t fcmp = Vector_CMP_T_NULL, int how = 0) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind(oTypeParam needle) const
Vector_index_tVector_t::rfind(Vector_index_t a, oTypeParam needle) const


The value type of the data structure in return values of functions. E.g. in C++, you may want to use oType=MyType, but have oTypeResult="MyType const &" With untemplatize, you can add such a "const &" to both oTypeResult and oTypeParam by using oTypeSuffix="const &".

By default, this is derived from oType and oTypeSuffix.


oTypeResultList_first(List_t const * self)
oTypeResultList_last(List_t const * self)
oTypeResultList_nth(List_t const * self, int index)
oTypeResultList_value(List_t const * self, Global_list_key_t key)
oTypeResultList_value_raw(Global_list_key_t key)
oTypeResultList_zero(List_t const * self)
oTypeResultMap_find(Map_t const * self, iTypeParam index)
oTypeResultMap_find_any(Map_t const * self)
oTypeResultMap_find_ensure(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
oTypeResultMap_zero(Map_t const * self)
oTypeResultVector_first(Vector_t const * self)
oTypeResultVector_last(Vector_t const * self)
oTypeResultVector_nth(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t index)
oTypeResultVector_nth(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t idx)
oTypeResultVector_nth_char(Vector_t const * self, Vector_index_t index)
oTypeResultVector_zero(Vector_t const * self)
oTypeResultVector_t::operator*() const
oTypeResultVector_t::operator*() const
oTypeResultVector_t::operator[](Vector_index_t i) const
oTypeResultVector_t::operator[](Vector_index_t i) const
oTypeResultMap_t::operator[](iTypeParam i) const
oTypeResultMap_t::find(iTypeParam i) const
oTypeResultMap_t::find_any() const
oTypeResultMap_t::find_ensure(iTypeTouched i)
oTypeResultVector_t::first() const
oTypeResultList_t::first() const
oTypeResultVector_t::last() const
oTypeResultList_t::last() const
oTypeResultVector_t::nth(Vector_index_t i) const
oTypeResultList_t::nth(int k) const
oTypeResultVector_t::nth_char(Vector_index_t i) const
oTypeResultList_t::value(Global_list_key_t k) const
oTypeResultVector_t::zero() const
oTypeResultMap_t::zero() const


The value type of the data structure in parameters to functions. The difference to oTypeParam is that the parameter has a chance of being copied. For reference counting, this might be important to distinguish.

By default, this is equal to oTypeParam.


Global_list_key_tList_append(List_t * self, oTypeTouched value)
Global_list_key_tList_insert(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, oTypeTouched value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL backward)
Global_list_key_tList_insert_after(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, oTypeTouched value)
Global_list_key_tList_insert_before(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t pos, oTypeTouched value)
List_t *List_new_with_zero(oTypeTouched zero)
voidList_overwrite(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t key, oTypeTouched value)
Global_list_key_tList_prepend(List_t * self, oTypeTouched value)
intMap_init_with_zero_and_initial_size(Map_t * self, oTypeTouched zero, int initial_size)
intMap_insert(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeTouched value)
oTypeVarMap_modify(Map_t * self, iTypeParam index, oTypeTouched value)
Map_t *Map_new_with_zero(oTypeTouched zero)
Map_t *Map_new_with_zero_and_initial_size(oTypeTouched zero, int initial_size)
intMap_poke(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeTouched value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
intMap_set(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index, oTypeTouched value)
intVector_append(Vector_t * self, oTypeTouched value)
intVector_ensure_size_with(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t size, oTypeTouched elem)
intVector_init_with_zero_and_initial_size(Vector_t * self, oTypeTouched zero, Vector_cnt_t initial_size)
intVector_insert(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, oTypeTouched element)
intVector_make_gap_with(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t start_index, oTypeTouched elem, Vector_cnt_t count)
oTypeVarVector_modify(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, oTypeTouched newvalue)
Vector_t *Vector_new_from_raw_with_zero(oTypeVar * contents, Vector_cnt_t nentries, Vector_cnt_t allocsize, oTypeTouched zero)
Vector_t *Vector_new_with_zero(oTypeTouched zero)
Vector_t *Vector_new_with_zero_and_initial_size(oTypeTouched zero, Vector_cnt_t initial_size)
intVector_set(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, oTypeTouched newvalue)
intVector_set_size_with(Vector_t * self, Vector_cnt_t size, oTypeTouched elem)
Map_t::Map(oTypeTouched zero_element)
Map_t::Map(oTypeTouched zero_element, int initial_size)
Vector_t::Vector(oTypeTouched, Vector_cnt_t)
Vector_t::Vector(bool must_be_true, oTypeVar * other, Vector_cnt_t count, Vector_cnt_t alloc, oTypeTouched zero_element)
Vector_t &Vector_t::operator<<(oTypeTouched a)
List_t &List_t::operator<<(oTypeTouched o)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append(oTypeTouched a)
Global_list_key_tList_t::append(oTypeTouched o)
Vector_t &Vector_t::ensure_size(Vector_cnt_t a, oTypeTouched b)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert(Vector_index_t i, oTypeTouched a)
Map_t &Map_t::insert(iTypeTouched k, oTypeTouched v)
Global_list_key_tList_t::insert(Global_list_key_t k, oTypeTouched o, bool backwards)
Global_list_key_tList_t::insert_after(Global_list_key_t k, oTypeTouched o)
Global_list_key_tList_t::insert_before(Global_list_key_t k, oTypeTouched o)
Vector_t &Vector_t::make_gap(Vector_index_t a, oTypeTouched x, Vector_cnt_t b)
Vector_t &Vector_t::make_gap_with(Vector_index_t a, oTypeTouched x, Vector_cnt_t b)
oTypeVarVector_t::modify(Vector_index_t i, oTypeTouched v)
oTypeVarMap_t::modify(iTypeParam i, oTypeTouched v)
voidList_t::overwrite(Global_list_key_t k, oTypeTouched o)
Map_t &Map_t::poke(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeTouched k, oTypeTouched v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_icopy(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeVarParam k, oTypeTouched v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend(oTypeTouched a)
Global_list_key_tList_t::prepend(oTypeTouched o)
Vector_t &Vector_t::set(Vector_index_t i, oTypeTouched v)
Map_t &Map_t::set(iTypeTouched i, oTypeTouched v)
Vector_t &Vector_t::set_size(Vector_cnt_t a, oTypeTouched b)


The value type of the data structure as used inside the implementation. The may be different to oType, most likely by the lack of a "const" if the data type is copied when stored in the map.

By default, this is equal to oType.


Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration_ptr(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oTypeVar * * valuepp)
Global_ERWIN_BOOLList_next_iteration_ptr_reverse(List_t * self, Global_list_key_t * key, oTypeVar * * valuepp)
oTypeVarMap_modify(Map_t * self, iTypeParam index, oTypeTouched value)
intMap_poke(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeTouched value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
intMap_poke_no_icopy(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeVarParam key, oTypeParam value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
intMap_poke_no_icopy_no_ocopy(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeVarParam key, oTypeVarParam value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
intMap_poke_no_ocopy(iType * key_out, oTypeVar * value_out, Map_t * self, iTypeTouched key, oTypeVarParam value, Global_ERWIN_BOOL introduce, Global_ERWIN_BOOL overwrite)
oTypeVarMap_remove(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
oTypeVarMap_remove_no_resize(Map_t * self, iTypeTouched index)
intVector_append_no_copy(Vector_t * self, oTypeVar const * theelements, Vector_cnt_t number_of_elements_to_insert)
oTypeVarVector_first_swap_chop1(Vector_t * self)
oTypeVarVector_heap_extract(Vector_t * self, Vector_cmp_t cmp)
intVector_insert_no_copy(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, oTypeVar const * values, Vector_cnt_t count)
oTypeVarVector_last_chop1(Vector_t * self)
oTypeVarVector_modify(Vector_t * self, Vector_index_t index, oTypeTouched newvalue)
Vector_t *Vector_new_from_raw(oTypeVar * contents, Vector_cnt_t nentries, Vector_cnt_t allocsize)
Vector_t *Vector_new_from_raw_with_zero(oTypeVar * contents, Vector_cnt_t nentries, Vector_cnt_t allocsize, oTypeTouched zero)
Vector_t::Vector(oTypeVar const *, bool do_copy = true)
Vector_t::Vector(oTypeVar const *, Vector_cnt_t, bool do_copy = true)
Vector_t::Vector(bool must_be_true, oTypeVar * other, Vector_cnt_t count, Vector_cnt_t alloc)
Vector_t::Vector(bool must_be_true, oTypeVar * other, Vector_cnt_t count, Vector_cnt_t alloc, oTypeTouched zero_element)
Vector_t &Vector_t::append_no_copy(oTypeVar const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
oTypeVarVector_t::heap_extract(Vector_cmp_t f = Vector_CMP_T_NULL)
Vector_t &Vector_t::insert_no_copy(Vector_index_t i, oTypeVar const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
oTypeVarVector_t::modify(Vector_index_t i, oTypeTouched v)
oTypeVarMap_t::modify(iTypeParam i, oTypeTouched v)
boolList_t::next_iteration_ptr(Global_list_key_t * a, oTypeVar * * b)
boolList_t::next_iteration_ptr_reverse(Global_list_key_t * a, oTypeVar * * b)
Map_t &Map_t::poke(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeTouched k, oTypeTouched v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_icopy(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeVarParam k, oTypeTouched v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_icopy_no_ocopy(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeVarParam k, oTypeVarParam v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Map_t &Map_t::poke_no_ocopy(iType * kp, oTypeVar * vo, iTypeTouched k, oTypeVarParam v, bool aintroduce = true, bool aoverwrite = true)
Vector_t &Vector_t::prepend_no_copy(oTypeVar const * a, Vector_cnt_t n)
oTypeVarMap_t::remove(iTypeTouched i)
oTypeVar *_Map_pair_ptr_t::value


Stoppt die Vorratsdatenspeicherung
November 26th, 2007
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.