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  1  /* -*- Mode: C -*- */
  3  /*
  4   * Author:      Henrik Theiling
  5   * Description: Extended C++ programming, undefinition file.
  6   *
  7   * @@Begin: Licencing and Copying@@
  8   *
  9   * Copyright (c) Henrik Theiling
 10   * Licence Version 2, Special Version for Erwin.
 11   *
 12   * The term 'this software' used in the following, additional to its
 13   * usual usage, also includes the instantiated source files generated by
 14   * tools of this package.
 15   *
 16   * This software is provided 'as-is', without warranty of any kind,
 17   * express or implied.  In no event will the authors or copyright holders
 18   * be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
 19   *
 20   * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
 21   * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
 22   * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 23   *
 24   * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
 25   * not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this
 26   * software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation
 27   * would be appreciated.
 28   *
 29   * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
 30   * not be misrepresented as being the original software.
 31   *
 32   * 3. You must not use any of the names of the authors or copyright
 33   * holders of the original software for advertising or publicity
 34   * pertaining to distribution without specific, written prior permission.
 35   *
 36   * 4. If you change this software and redistribute parts or all of it in
 37   * any form, you must make the source code of the altered version of this
 38   * software available.  As an exception, files that were generated by
 39   * tools of this package may be used freely, including modification.
 40   *
 41   * 5. This notice must not be removed or altered from any source
 42   * distribution.
 43   *
 44   * This licence is governed by the Laws of Germany.  Disputes shall be
 45   * settled by Saarbruecken City Court.
 46   *
 47   * @@End: Licencing and Copying@@
 48   */
 50  #ifndef Global_ERWIN_CLASSUNDEF_H
 51  #define Global_ERWIN_CLASSUNDEF_H
 53  /*
 54   * Undefines everything that lacks the 'GlobalUCFirst_' prefix and introduces
 55   * inline versions of many declarators, because the user of the library
 56   * will not run erwin-cgen with the library settings.
 57   */
 59  /* Totally private: */
 60  #undef  _Global_member_priv
 61  #define _Global_member_priv(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
 62          private:                                   \
 63              TYPE _m_##NAME;                        \
 64          protected:                                 \
 65              TYPE &m_##NAME()                       \
 66              {                                      \
 67                  Global_CHECK_SIG(this);            \
 68                  return _m_##NAME;                  \
 69              }                                      \
 70              TYPE const &m_##NAME() const           \
 71              {                                      \
 72                  Global_CHECK_SIG(this);            \
 73                  return _m_##NAME;                  \
 74              }                                      \
 75          public:
 77  #undef  _Global_member_priv_obj
 78  #define _Global_member_priv_obj(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
 79          private:                                       \
 80              TYPE *_m_##NAME;                           \
 81          protected:                                     \
 82              TYPE *&m_##NAME() {                        \
 83                  Global_CHECK_SIG(this);                \
 84                  Global_CHECK_OTHER_SIG(_m_##NAME);     \
 85                  return _m_##NAME;                      \
 86              }                                          \
 87              TYPE *const &m_##NAME() const {            \
 88                  Global_CHECK_SIG(this);                \
 89                  Global_CHECK_OTHER_SIG(_m_##NAME);     \
 90                  return _m_##NAME;                      \
 91              }                                          \
 92          public:                                        \
 94  /* Read-only inheriting pointer: */
 95  #undef  _Global_member_ri_ptr
 96  #define _Global_member_ri_ptr(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
 97              _Global_member_priv_ptr (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
 98              TYPE *NAME() {                                  \
 99                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
100                  return m_##NAME();                          \
101              }                                               \
102              TYPE const *NAME() const {                      \
103                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
104                  return m_##NAME();                          \
105              }
107  #undef  _Global_member_ri_obj
108  #define _Global_member_ri_obj(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
109              _Global_member_priv_obj (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
110              TYPE *NAME() {                                  \
111                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
112                  return m_##NAME();                          \
113              }                                               \
114              TYPE const *NAME() const {                      \
115                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
116                  return m_##NAME();                          \
117              }
119  /* Read-only inheriting reference: */
120  #undef  _Global_member_ri_ref
121  #define _Global_member_ri_ref(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
122              _Global_member_priv_ref (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
123              TYPE *NAME() {                                  \
124                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
125                  return &m_##NAME();                         \
126              }                                               \
127              TYPE const *NAME() const {                      \
128                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
129                  return &m_##NAME();                         \
130              }
132  #undef  _Global_member_ri_eref
133  #define _Global_member_ri_eref(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
134              _Global_member_priv_eref (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
135              TYPE &NAME() {                                   \
136                  assert (this != NULL);                       \
137                  return m_##NAME();                           \
138              }                                                \
139              TYPE const &NAME() const {                       \
140                  assert (this != NULL);                       \
141                  return m_##NAME();                           \
142              }
144  /* Read-only member: */
145  #undef  _Global_member_ro
146  #define _Global_member_ro(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
147              _Global_member_priv (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
148              TYPE NAME() const {                         \
149                  assert (this != NULL);                  \
150                  return m_##NAME();                      \
151              }
153  /* Read-only member that is returned by reference:
154   * Note that this returns a pointer no matter what.  This allows changing this
155   * to _ri_ptr and even _ro_ptr without a significant change in the interface.
156   */
157  #undef  _Global_member_ro_ref
158  #define _Global_member_ro_ref(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
159              _Global_member_priv_ref (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
160              TYPE const *NAME() const {                      \
161                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
162                  return &m_##NAME();                         \
163              }
166  #undef  _Global_member_ro_eref
167  #define _Global_member_ro_eref(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
168              _Global_member_priv_eref (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
169              TYPE const &NAME() const {                       \
170                  assert (this != NULL);                       \
171                  return m_##NAME();                           \
172              }
175  /* Read-only member that is returned by reference: */
176  #undef  _Global_member_ro_ptr
177  #define _Global_member_ro_ptr(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
178              _Global_member_priv_ptr (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
179              TYPE *NAME() const {                            \
180                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
181                  return m_##NAME();                          \
182              }
184  #undef  _Global_member_ro_obj
185  #define _Global_member_ro_obj(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
186              _Global_member_priv_obj (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
187              TYPE *NAME() const {                            \
188                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
189                  return m_##NAME();                          \
190              }
192  /* Read/Write member (these are by reference only): */
193  #undef  _Global_member_rw
194  #define _Global_member_rw(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
195              _Global_member_priv (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
196              TYPE NAME() const {                         \
197                  assert (this != NULL);                  \
198                  return m_##NAME();                      \
199              }                                           \
200              void set_##NAME (TYPE a) {                  \
201                  assert (this != NULL);                  \
202                  m_##NAME()= a;                          \
203              }
205  #undef  _Global_member_rw_ref
206  #define _Global_member_rw_ref(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
207              _Global_member_priv_ref (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
208              TYPE *NAME() {                                  \
209                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
210                  return &m_##NAME();                         \
211              }                                               \
212              TYPE const *NAME() const {                      \
213                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
214                  return &m_##NAME();                         \
215              }                                               \
216              void set_##NAME (TYPE const *a) {               \
217                  assert (this != NULL);                      \
218                  m_##NAME()= *a;                             \
219              }
221  #undef  _Global_member_rw_eref
222  #define _Global_member_rw_eref(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
223              _Global_member_priv_eref (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
224              TYPE &NAME() {                                   \
225                  assert (this != NULL);                       \
226                  return m_##NAME();                           \
227              }                                                \
228              TYPE const &NAME() const {                       \
229                  assert (this != NULL);                       \
230                  return &m_##NAME();                          \
231              }                                                \
232              void set_##NAME (TYPE const &a) {                \
233                  assert (this != NULL);                       \
234                  assert (&a != NULL);                         \
235                  m_##NAME()= a;                               \
236              }
238  #undef  _Global_member_rw_ptr
239  #define _Global_member_rw_ptr(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
240              _Global_member_priv_ptr (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
241              TYPE *NAME() const {                            \
242                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
243                  return m_##NAME();                          \
244              }                                               \
245              void set_##NAME (TYPE *a) {                     \
246                  assert (this != NULL);                      \
247                  m_##NAME()= a;                              \
248              }                                               \
249              void reset_##NAME () {                          \
250                  set_##NAME ((TYPE *)NULL);                  \
251              }
253  #undef  _Global_member_rw_obj
254  #define _Global_member_rw_obj(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)                   \
255              _Global_member_priv_obj (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)            \
256              TYPE *NAME() const {                                       \
257                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;                         \
258                  return m_##NAME();                                     \
259              }                                                          \
260              void set_##NAME (TYPE *a) {                                \
261                  assert (this != NULL);                                 \
262                  Global_REF ((GlobalUCFirst_Object *)a);                \
263                  Global_CHECK_OTHER_SIG(a);                             \
264                  Global_UNREF_RVAL((GlobalUCFirst_Object *)m_##NAME()); \
265                  _m_##NAME= a;                                          \
266              }                                                          \
267              void reset_##NAME () {                                     \
268                  Global_UNREF_RVAL((GlobalUCFirst_Object *)m_##NAME()); \
269                  _m_##NAME= NULL;                                       \
270              }
272  /* Read/Write-protected member (these are by reference only): */
273  #undef  _Global_member_rp
274  #define _Global_member_rp(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
275              _Global_member_priv (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
276              TYPE NAME() const {                         \
277                  assert (this != NULL);                  \
278                  return m_##NAME();                      \
279              }                                           \
280          protected:                                      \
281              void set_##NAME (TYPE a) {                  \
282                  assert (this != NULL);                  \
283                  m_##NAME()= a;                          \
284              }                                           \
285          public:
287  #undef  _Global_member_rp_ref
288  #define _Global_member_rp_ref(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
289              _Global_member_priv_ref (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
290              TYPE const *NAME() const {                      \
291                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
292                  return &m_##NAME();                         \
293              }                                               \
294          protected:                                          \
295              TYPE *NAME() {                                  \
296                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
297                  return &m_##NAME();                         \
298              }                                               \
299              void set_##NAME (TYPE const *a) {               \
300                  assert (this != NULL);                      \
301                  m_##NAME()= *a;                             \
302              }                                               \
303          public:
305  #undef  _Global_member_rp_eref
306  #define _Global_member_rp_eref(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
307              _Global_member_priv_eref (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
308              TYPE const &NAME() const {                       \
309                  assert (this != NULL);                       \
310                  return &m_##NAME();                          \
311              }                                                \
312          protected:                                           \
313              TYPE &NAME() {                                   \
314                  assert (this != NULL);                       \
315                  return m_##NAME();                           \
316              }                                                \
317              void set_##NAME (TYPE const &a) {                \
318                  assert (this != NULL);                       \
319                  assert (&a != NULL);                         \
320                  m_##NAME()= a;                               \
321              }                                                \
322          public:
324  #undef  _Global_member_rp_ptr
325  #define _Global_member_rp_ptr(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)        \
326              _Global_member_priv_ptr (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING) \
327              TYPE *NAME() const {                            \
328                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;              \
329                  return m_##NAME();                          \
330              }                                               \
331          protected:                                          \
332              void set_##NAME (TYPE *a) {                     \
333                  assert (this != NULL);                      \
334                  m_##NAME()= a;                              \
335              }                                               \
336              void reset_##NAME () {                          \
337                  set_##NAME ((TYPE *)NULL);                  \
338              }                                               \
339          public:
341  #undef  _Global_member_rp_obj
342  #define _Global_member_rp_obj(TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)                   \
343              _Global_member_priv_obj (TYPE, NAME, DOCSTRING)            \
344              TYPE *NAME() const {                                       \
345                  if (this == NULL) return NULL;                         \
346                  return m_##NAME();                                     \
347              }                                                          \
348          protected:                                                     \
349              void set_##NAME (TYPE *a) {                                \
350                  assert (this != NULL);                                 \
351                  Global_REF ((GlobalUCFirst_Object *)a);                \
352                  Global_CHECK_OTHER_SIG(a);                             \
353                  Global_UNREF_RVAL((GlobalUCFirst_Object *)m_##NAME()); \
354                  _m_##NAME= a;                                          \
355              }                                                          \
356              void reset_##NAME () {                                     \
357                  Global_UNREF_RVAL((GlobalUCFirst_Object *)m_##NAME()); \
358                  _m_##NAME= NULL;                                       \
359              }                                                          \
360          public:
362  #undef  Global_stdclass_no_ref
363  #define Global_stdclass_no_ref                                                                   \
364      public:                                                                                      \
365          typedef THIS This;                                                                       \
366          typedef SUPER Super;                                                                     \
367      protected:                                                                                   \
368          virtual THIS *ERWIN_CONCAT_TOKEN(v_as_, THIS) () {Global_CHECK_SIG(this); return this; } \
369      public:
372  #undef  Global_stdclass
373  #define Global_stdclass          \
374          Global_stdclass_no_ref   \
375      public:                      \
376          Global_stdclass_refcount \
377      public:
380  #undef  Global_concrete
381  #define Global_concrete                                                      \
382          Global_stdclass                                                      \
383      private:                                                                 \
384          virtual void _concrete () const { }                                  \
385      protected:                                                               \
386          virtual char const *v_klass_name() const { return ERWIN_STR(THIS); } \
387          Global_concrete_id                                                   \
388      public:
391  #undef  Global_abstract
392  #define Global_abstract                               \
393          Global_stdclass                               \
394      private:                                          \
395          virtual void _concrete () const = 0;          \
396      protected:                                        \
397          virtual char const *v_klass_name() const = 0; \
398          Global_abstract_id                            \
399      public:
401  #undef  Global_abstract_no_ref
402  #define Global_abstract_no_ref                        \
403          Global_stdclass_no_ref                        \
404      private:                                          \
405          virtual void _concrete () const = 0;          \
406      protected:                                        \
407          virtual char const *v_klass_name() const = 0; \
408          Global_abstract_id                            \
409      public:
412  #ifndef NDEBUG
414  #   undef  Global_make_cast
415  #   define Global_make_cast(TYPE)                                \
416      public:                                                      \
417          TYPE *cast_##TYPE () {                                   \
418              if (this == NULL) return NULL;                       \
419              TYPE *ERWIN_GENSYM(local_result)= as_##TYPE();       \
420              assert (ERWIN_GENSYM(local_result) != NULL);         \
421              return ERWIN_GENSYM(local_result);                   \
422          }                                                        \
423          TYPE const *cast_##TYPE () const {                       \
424              if (this == NULL) return NULL;                       \
425              TYPE const *ERWIN_GENSYM(local_result)= as_##TYPE(); \
426              assert (ERWIN_GENSYM(local_result) != NULL);         \
427              return ERWIN_GENSYM(local_result);                   \
428          }
430  #else /* NDEBUG */
432  #  undef  Global_make_cast
433  #  define Global_make_cast(TYPE)           \
434      public:                                \
435          TYPE *cast_##TYPE () {             \
436              return (TYPE *)this;           \
437          }                                  \
438          TYPE const *cast_##TYPE () const { \
439              return (TYPE const *)this;     \
440          }
442  #endif /* NDEBUG */
444  #undef  Global_announce_class
445  #define Global_announce_class(TYPE)                  \
446      protected:                                       \
447          virtual TYPE *v_as_##TYPE() { return NULL; } \
448          Global_make_cast(TYPE)                       \
449      public:                                          \
450          TYPE *as_##TYPE () {                         \
451              if (this == NULL) return NULL;           \
452              return v_as_##TYPE();                    \
453          }                                            \
454          TYPE const *as_##TYPE () const {             \
455              if (this == NULL) return NULL;           \
456              return ((Object *)this)->v_as_##TYPE();  \
457          }
459  #endif /* !defined(Global_ERWIN_CLASSUNDEF_H) */
461  /*
462   * Note: the following is outside the #ifdef protection for
463   * switching the aliases back on and off after including
464   * classundef.h and then again classdef.h.
465   */
467  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_priv
468  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_priv_ref
469  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_priv_eref
470  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_priv_ptr
471  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_priv_obj
472  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_ri_obj
473  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_ri_ptr
474  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_ri_ref
475  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_ri_eref
476  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_ro
477  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_ro_obj
478  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_ro_ptr
479  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_ro_ref
480  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_ro_eref
481  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_rw
482  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_rw_obj
483  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_rw_ptr
484  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_rw_ref
485  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_rw_eref
486  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_rp
487  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_rp_obj
488  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_rp_ptr
489  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_rp_ref
490  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef child_rp_eref
491  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef xref_priv_obj
492  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef xref_priv_ptr
493  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef xref_ri_obj
494  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef xref_ri_ptr
495  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef xref_ro_obj
496  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef xref_ro_ptr
497  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef xref_rw_obj
498  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef xref_rw_ptr
499  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef xref_rp_obj
500  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef xref_rp_ptr
502  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef stdclass
503  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef stdclass_no_ref
504  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef concrete
505  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef abstract
506  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef abstract_no_ref
507  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef general_object
509  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef announce_class
511  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef hidden
512  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef trivial
513  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef redirect
514  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef inherit
516  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef foreign_class
517  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef foreign_type
518  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef local_class
519  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef local_type
520  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef local_enum
521  --WITH-GLOBAL--#undef local_union


Stoppt die Vorratsdatenspeicherung
November 26th, 2007
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.