EE00; 0020 2007 2002; ; ; same width as any other Ukaliq character # Zs UKALIQ SPACE EE01; 0023 2116; ; ; # Po UKALIQ NUMBER EE02; 2019 EE02 EE0A; ; ; This is not an apostrophe, use the double quotation mark for that. # Pf UKALIQ RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK EE03; 003B; ; ; # Po UKALIQ COLON EE04; 002E; ; ; # Po UKALIQ FULL STOP EE05; 002C; ; ; # Po UKALIQ COMMA EE06; 0029; ; ; # Pe UKALIQ RIGHT PARENTHESIS EE07; 0021; ; ; # Po UKALIQ EXCLAMATION MARK EE08; 2018 EE08 EE0A; ; ; This is not an apostrophe, use the double quotation mark for that. # Pi UKALIQ LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK EE09; 0028; ; ; # Ps UKALIQ LEFT PARENTHESIS EE0A; 0022 0027 EE08 EE02; ; ; This can also be used as an apostrophe. # Po UKALIQ DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK EE0B; 00BF EE0E; ; ; may be used to start a sentence like the Latin inverted question mark # Po UKALIQ REVERSED QUESTION MARK EE0C; 003B; ; ; # Po UKALIQ SEMICOLON EE0D; 00A1 EE07; ; ; may be used to start a sentence like the Latin inverted exclamation mark # Po UKALIQ REVERSED EXCLAMATION MARK EE0E; 003F; ; ; # Po UKALIQ QUESTION MARK EE0F; 003D; ; ; # Sm UKALIQ EQUALS EE10; 002D 005F 2010 2013 EE40 EE20; ; ; for in-word separation, like hyphen or underscore # Pc UKALIQ HYPHEN EE12; 003E 2192; ; ; can also be used as a right arrow if necessary # Sm UKALIQ GREATER-THAN EE15; 2228 002F 007C; ; ; can also be used when a slash is used in Latin, for alternatives # Sm UKALIQ OR EE16; ; ; ; usable for post-alveolar or alveolo-palatal # Lo UKALIQ LETTER IDZJI EE18; 003C 2190; ; ; can also be used as a left arrow if necessary # Sm UKALIQ LESS-THAN EE1A; 002A 00D7 2715 00B7; ; ; # Sm UKALIQ MULTIPLICATION EE1D; ; ; ; usable for velar and uvular; uvular should be dotted if distinguished # Lo UKALIQ LETTER UKKHU EE1E; ; ; ; usable for post-alveolar or alveolo-palatal # Lo UKALIQ LETTER ITSJI EE20; 2026 2013 EE10 EE40; ; ; for numeric ranges: 1..3 or 1--3. for ellipsis, use three full-stops # Pd UKALIQ RANGE EE30; 002B; ; ; # Sm UKALIQ PLUS EE31; 00A4 0024 00A3 20A0 20AC 20A9 0E3F; ; ; may be used for any currency symbol (may need context, obviously) # Sc UKALIQ CURRENCY EE32; 0040; ; ; # Po UKALIQ AT EE38; 00B0; ; ; for temperatures, a letter for celsius etc. may follow # So UKALIQ DEGREE EE39; ; ; ; can be used as the single implosive, or to mark imgressives/implosives # Lo UKALIQ LETTER HBAT EE3F; ; ; ; possibly with a dot, this can mark nasalisation # Lo UKALIQ LETTER ONO EE40; 2013 2014 EE10 EE20; ; ; for word separation, like emdash, or similar # Pd UKALIQ DASH EE42; 002D 2012; ; ; # Sm UKALIQ MINUS EE43; ; ; ; possibly with a dot, this can mark labialisation # Lo UKALIQ LETTER AWA EE45; 2227 0026; ; ; # Sm UKALIQ AND EE46; ; ; ; usable for post-alveolar or alveolo-palatal # Lo UKALIQ LETTER IZJI EE48; 00AC; ; ; # Sm UKALIQ NOT EE49; 002F 00F7 2215 2044; ; ; should not be used for a slash to list alternatives: use UKALIQ OR for that # Sm UKALIQ DIVISION EE4A; 22BB 2295; ; ; for the exclusive or ("aut" in Latin) # Sm UKALIQ XOR EE4C; ; ; ; possibly with a dot, this can mark palatalisation # Lo UKALIQ LETTER IJI EE4D; 01C0 0298 01C1 01C2 01C3; ; ; this can be used as the single click, or to mark a plosive as a click # Lo UKALIQ LETTER TKOT EE4E; ; ; ; usable for post-alveolar or alveolo-palatal # Lo UKALIQ LETTER ISJI EE50; 0030; ; ; # Nd UKALIQ DIGIT ZERO EE51; 0031; ; ; # Nd UKALIQ DIGIT ONE EE52; 0032; ; ; # Nd UKALIQ DIGIT TWO EE53; 0033; ; ; # Nd UKALIQ DIGIT THREE EE54; 0034; ; ; # Nd UKALIQ DIGIT FOUR EE55; 0035; ; ; # Nd UKALIQ DIGIT FIVE EE56; 0036; ; ; # Nd UKALIQ DIGIT SIX EE57; 0037; ; ; # Nd UKALIQ DIGIT SEVEN EE58; 0038; ; ; # Nd UKALIQ DIGIT EIGHT EE59; 0039; ; ; # Nd UKALIQ DIGIT NINE EE5A; 1D2CA 1D2EA 0041; ; ; # No UKALIQ DIGIT TEN EE5B; 1D2CB 1D2EB 0042; ; ; # No UKALIQ DIGIT ELEVEN EE5C; 1D2CC 1D2EC 0043; ; ; # No UKALIQ DIGIT TWELVE EE5D; 1D2CD 1D2ED 0044; ; ; # No UKALIQ DIGIT THIRTEEN EE5E; 1D2CE 1D2EE 0045; ; ; # No UKALIQ DIGIT FOURTEEN EE5F; 1D2CF 1D2EF 0046; ; ; # No UKALIQ DIGIT FIFTEEN EE60; ; ; ; schwa. possibly with a dot, this can mark syllabic pronunciation # Lo UKALIQ LETTER SCHWA EE61; ; ; ; possibly with a dot, this can mark breathy voice or voiced articulation # Lo UKALIQ LETTER OHGO EE65; ; ; ; possibly with a dot, this can mark velarisation # Lo UKALIQ LETTER UGHU EE68; ; ; ; possibly with a dot, this can mark pharyngealisation # Lo UKALIQ LETTER OHHO EE69; ; ; ; possibly with a dot, this can mark aspiration or voicelessness # Lo UKALIQ LETTER AHA EE70; 3005 201E; ; ; outside of numbers, can also be used like a ditto mark in a table # Pc UKALIQ ITERATION MARK EE71; 0025; ; ; can be used both for modulo or for percent, just like in Latin # Po UKALIQ PERCENT EE79; ; ; ; possibly with a dot, this can mark ejectives # Lo UKALIQ LETTER AHKA